Easy Ways to Organize Money Before Year End

Easy Ways to Organize Money Before Year End

Organize Money

Easy Ways to Organize Money Before Year End

Taking the First Step Towads Organizing Your Money


Trying to organize money can feel like scrambling eggs, flipping pancakes, and trying not to burn bacon at once.

And for working moms, professional women, and divorced women, the financial circus can seem even more intense – trust me, I know.

Fear not, because it’s not too late to turn your financial chaos into organized bliss.

The first step is often the hardest, and it’s the part we usually want to skip.

Here’s how you can confidently level up your money management game and consistently achieve financial goals regardless of how much money you have.


5-7 min read: Looking for the audio version of this blog post – Sign up for the FIIRM Hero Newsletter Community to HEAR what this post is all about when you don’t have time to read it.



woman with money in her hands



What is the First Step to Organized Finances?


The best way to organize your money is the way that works best for you.


But I can’t think of any reason why the following steps wouldn’t be helpful as outlined in this first section. These first few actions are helpful for single, married, and post-divorce women.


Set Clear Priorities


Decide which area of your finances needs the most attention. What’s important? What is more urgent?


Only try to tackle a few things at a time if you are working on your financial health alone (no financial team, financial bff, or romantic partner). Think about the different ways in which your finances are affected the most.


Do unexpected expenses throw you completely off track? Do you need to focus on paying off debt, saving for a goal, controlling your spending habits, or just taking control of your finances?


Create a Plan


Outline the financial decisions you need to make to achieve your priorities. Be specific and set deadlines to keep yourself accountable.

Document the plan, which includes your budget, by writing it down or using an app to track your goals (see below for more guidance). You don’t need to map out the plan for the year; start with the next 90 days.


Take Action


There is no such thing as a perfect moment, so please don’t wait for the ideal moment to start.


Commit to taking action because small actions lead to significant results over time. Which leads me to the next step…


How to Set Financial Goals You Can Actually Achieve?


The best way to set your financial goals is in alignment with your upcoming milestones and transitions.

Setting financial goals is like plotting a road trip’s route— you might get lost without a map. Think about your intentions for this year – what do you want to achieve? What has gotten in the way of you making those things happen?


Break Down Big Goals


Significant financial goals can be intimidating, and there’s a high likelihood that you won’t reach them if they are too lofty.


Breaking them into smaller, manageable, realistic steps is a good idea.


For example, if you want to save $5,000 for a down payment in 6 months, it might sound ok to write down that goal.


However, suppose your financial life won’t let you be great because can’t put $833.33 into your savings account over the next 6 months. Because you rarely have $833 left over at the end of the month.


In that case, your goal needs to be adjusted. That may mean saving for longer or reducing the down payment amount. This will make your savings goals realistic and, most importantly, achievable.



Track Your Progress


When it comes to personal finances, seeing your savings grow or your credit score improve can be incredibly motivating. Monitoring your progress with a spreadsheet or a budgeting app is a great way to do this.


You can also set up alerts for your checking account activity, credit cards, bill payments, due dates, etc. You name it, there is probably an alert for it.


Alerts often help you avoid or reduce late fees and spend a little less time reviewing bank or credit card statements. Almost every financial institution allows you to set up an alert on your financial accounts.


These alerts can help you avoid unnecessary fees and provide peace of mind that your accounts are being monitored.


Stay Flexible


Life happens, and sometimes you need to adjust your goals. Whether it’s saving for a family vacation or building an emergency fund, clear goals will keep you focused.


Suppose your son or daughter is graduating from high school, and it’s time to buy yourself a new car.


In that case, your family vacation may not be as long or as luxurious as you would like it to be, depending on how your cash flow is set up. Flexibility allows you to adapt without getting discouraged.


If you know you have good habits, then little hiccups won’t mess you up in the long term.

Plan for Fun

Personal finance isn’t all about deprivation. Set aside funds for fun activities to keep life enjoyable and see the fruits of your labor.


What’s the Best Way to Simplify Your Financial Life?


Tracking bill payments, important documents, investment accounts, and financial records can suck, but it can make it easier to organize your money.


Simplifying your financial life can reduce stress and make money management more effortless. This is super important for your post-divorce life as your world has likely been turned upside down, and you need things to be more accessible.


You may need more good days than bad ones, and simplifying your financial life can help.


Consolidate Accounts


If you have multiple checking or savings accounts, consider consolidating them if you are not using them. Also, consider reducing the number of financial institutions where you have accounts. Fewer accounts mean less to keep track of.


Automate Your Accounts


Set up automatic payments for bills. This ensures you’re never late and saves you the hassle of remembering due dates. If your cash flow is inconsistent, you can still use your bank’s online bill payment system to set up the payments manually. This gives you more control over how you pay bills.


Set Up Direct Deposit


This way, you’re saving before you touch the money.


Automate your savings so that a reasonable portion of your paycheck is automatically deposited into your savings account.


By setting up automatic transfers, you can grow your savings over time.


Reasonable is the trick here, but you decide if 5% or 25% makes sense for your long-term goals. If that’s not feasible, you can set up automatic transfers directly from your checking account to your savings account for an easy way to save consistently.


Go Digital


Use an online banking mobile app and budgeting app to manage your finances. Digital tools can provide real-time insights and make tracking easier. Apps like Acorns, Qapital, and Chime round up your purchases to help you reach your savings or investing goals. It’s an easy way to save without even noticing.



How to Organize Your Financial Documents & Your Credit Cards?


An organized money system, including keeping your financial documents organized, can save you time and reduce stress. Credit card management can be tricky. When credit cards are used wisely, they can be a great financial tool. Here are some simple ways to organize your financial documents:


Create a Filing System


A good system can be digital, physical, or a combination of the two. Most of us receive some statements online as well as paper statements. You may still have a physical filing cabinet or leverage digital tools like Dropbox. As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®), I know firsthand that setting up your filing system and keeping everything in its proper place are important steps if you are planning to divorce. Guess what, though? It’s equally important when you are planning to get married. If you take the time to do this, you’ll also be a dream client for a financial advisor.


Go Digital


Whenever possible, opt for digital statements and receipts. Digital documents are easier to organize, take up less space, and reduce financial clutter.


Some credit card companies allow you to have a virtual credit card number. This number is usually different from the card number on your physical card and provides a better sense of security.


Capital One allows you to set up a unique number for each vendor, which makes it easier to stay organized about who has your card number on file.


Regularly Review and Purge


Periodically review your documents and discard anything you no longer need. Start by checking your credit report for mistakes.


Dispute any inaccuracies you find. Keeping only essential documents reduces clutter and makes it easier to find what you need. Bank statements, ATM, and credit card receipts can be discarded once reconciled unless required for tax purposes. Shred expired credit cards!


Get rid of your expired debit card. But it’s best to hold onto documents that are difficult to replace. Some of those are listed below:


  • Adoption papers & birth certificates
  • Citizenship Documents
  • Death Certificates
  • Divorce Decree & Marital Settlement Agreement
  • Estate Documents
  • Marriage License
  • Military Discharge Papers


One last helpful note to support your financial success. There is no need to carry all of your credit cards in your wallet. While it may require more planning on your point, limit the cards you carry in your wallet. Carry the cards you’ll need that day or that week and place the rest in a secure spot.



Discovering the Best Way Forward


We are all unique. What works for one person might not work for another. Here are two simple things that can help.


  1. Experiment & Seek Advice: Build your financial team with the right advisors to get advice. You’re not expected to know everything and an outside perspective can help with complex decisions.
  2. Stay Committed: Financial organization is a continuous process. Stay committed to your plan, take a closer look at your money goals regularly, and make adjustments as needed.



Wrapping Up Your Journey to Organizing Your Money

This post was all about the best ways for women to organize their money. Organizing your finances doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You can achieve financial clarity and peace of mind by:


  1. Setting clear financial goals
  2. Leveraging tools like budgeting apps and automation
  3. Remember, the key to success is taking that first step and continuously making progress.


Ready to take your financial organization to the next level? Need some assistance? The FIIRM Approach helps female breadwinners protect their financial security and improve how you manage your financial life.


Let’s connect to see how the FIIRM Approach can provide you with personalized strategies and guidance that work for your needs. Sign up for the FIIRM Hero newsletter community and get access to free information.

Start your financial transformation today and make 2024 your best financial year yet!

Nikki Tucker

Nikki Tucker

Founder & Managing Director


Nikki is an experienced financial services professional, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ®, and the primary divorce financial strategist for The FIIRM Approach. She helps female breadwinners prepare for divorce to avoid common financial mistakes and confidently maintain their financial security post-divorce. She uses proven strategies within the FIIRM Approach methodology so her clients can manage their money, debt, and credit and be connected to the right resources for the next phase of life. TAKE ACTION & LEARN about the tools that can help make your pre and post-divorce easier. Grab your FREE Divorce Support Pack.

How a Great Marriage and a Good Divorce are Connected

How a Great Marriage and a Good Divorce are Connected

can marriage make great divorce

How a Great Marriage and a Good Divorce are Connected

How can a Marriage make a Great Divorce?

Do you remember what age you first started thinking about marriage?

Even if you don’t, I am 99% positive that when you were thinking about how great your marriage could be, you weren’t also thinking about how to have a good divorce. How is that even a thing?

In this post you will learn, how can a marriage make a great divorce?

Well, let’s explore it. Shall we?

Let’s kick things off with truths we can all agree on.

What’s the Good News About Money and Marriage

Whether on social media, TV, or in movies, marriage is often described as a union of hearts.

We hear about fairy-tale wedding ceremonies and happily-ever-after lives and witness strong, loving families being built every day.

All marriages (an unhappy marriage & amazing ones) have two crucial sides- the transactional and the relational sides. These two sides ultimately lead us to the “Marriage and Money Paradox.”

Unfortunately, we often don’t give enough consideration to this paradox and how it can redefine “forever.”

wedding rings on a Bible depicting marriage

This paradox is where love meets financial statements, and you may have to do some hard work you feel unprepared for. In a heterosexual marriage and same-sex marriages, the concept of merging finances upon tying the knot isn’t just traditional—it’s expected.

What’s also expected, and in my opinion, is part of the good news about marriage, is that it comes with multiple financial perks. Most of us probably know this, but if you are unaware, allow me to lay out three major financial perks that come with the institution of marriage in the United States.

Tax Breaks

According to the IRS.gov website, in 2024, the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly for tax year 2024 is $29,200, while the standard deduction for single taxpayers and married couples filing separately is $14,600.

In layperson’s terms, this means that you are financially incentivized to (1) marry and (2) combine your finances on your annual tax returns because it can reduce your taxable income (the amount of your income that is subject to taxes) and lower your tax bills. Most couples consider this benefit a good thing.

Insurance benefits

While not a requirement for small businesses (with less than 50 employees), companies allow their employees to cover their spouses under health insurance programs. Combining coverage under one program instead of covering both spouses individually can reduce the amount of money spent on health insurance.

In addition to health insurance, property insurance carriers view married people as less risky, so lower premiums are typically charged to married people compared to single persons.

Building wealth together

From a financial perspective, this is the best thing about a marital union. Outside of love, family, and romance, we all know it takes money to survive & thrive. So logically, if we consider those two essential things mentioned above, a reduction in taxes and the ability to save money on insurance, marriage presents an excellent opportunity to build.

At the same time, this may sound “ick” because acknowledging the business side of marriage makes you uncomfortable. I’m not diminishing the value of marriage to money; I’m just recognizing that marriage involves math. These financial perks can feel like hitting it big at the slots in a Las Vegas casino—but with higher stakes.

Unfortunately, too many couples, though eagerly welcoming these financial benefits, don’t consider the financial consequences if the marriage dissolves.

So, let’s unpack some of the truths here as well, especially since they aren’t talked about enough.

How Planning a Great Marriage Can Make an Unplanned Divorce Better

In a world where financial security and peace of mind are essential, navigating the choppy waters of money management within a good marriage can feel like a high-stakes game of Monopoly. But a failing marriage can feel like riding a scary rollercoaster at large theme parks. Of course, most of us don’t want to think about the divorce process, but most fail to realize that planning for a great marriage may result in a good, although possibly unplanned, divorce.

First, you have to be intentionally transparent. Conversations about short-term and longer-term decisions must include your goals and visions for your family life. Planning for your financial future isn’t just wise—it’s critical. I can promise you that some compromise is involved, and you don’t want the first time you have a very serious conversation about money to be after you get married.

Here are five steps to ensure you have more financial harmony in marriage.

Action Steps for a Financially Engaged Marriage

1. Transparent Communication

I’m not referring to “talking for the sake of talking.” I mean talking so openly and regularly that you feel naked and exposed. When it comes to money, we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable—as long as it’s a safe space. Transparent conversations can prevent misunderstandings, allow for real personal growth, and improve your decision-making process.

As you schedule date nights to keep the romance alive, why not set aside time for “money dates”? These sessions can be as casual as discussing budgets over brunch or as formal as meeting with an agenda. The key is to make financial conversations intentional and a regular part of your relationship so you understand where your partner stands when it comes to financial goals, spending habits, saving money, taking on debt, and more. Transparency is key for these dates.

2. Set Up a Joint Budget

Create a budget that accounts for shared expenses and individual spending. One of the best things about modern technology is that there’s no shortage of tools to help you. You decide what tool works best for you. Tools like Empower (formerly Personal Capital), Monarch, YNAB (You Need a Budget), and many others can be lifesavers. It doesn’t matter what tool you pick. It only matters that you USE it.

3. Separate but Equal Accounts

Gone are the days when a joint bank account was the only option. Nowadays, many couples are opting for a “yours, mine, and ours” approach. This strategy allows each person to maintain a sense of financial independence while still contributing to shared expenses.

4. Create a trusted support network

It is crucial to have a solid financial team to help you understand the implications and benefits of marriage for your unique situation. Your team can also keep you abreast of changes in laws and financial regulations that could affect your marital financial plan. Additionally, having the right financial professional and getting sound legal advice is the ultimate power move. It’s the ultimate embrace of vulnerability to strengthen your financial future together.

5. Consider a Prenup

Prenups are not about a lack of trust; they are actually all about trust because you are sharing critical and vulnerable information with your soon-to-be spouse BEFORE you get married. I didn’t make this step last because it’s unimportant; it’s last because it deserves its own section.

So, let’s have an honest discussion about prenups.

The Unspoken Key to a More Secure Future Together

First things first, what is a prenup? A prenup is a legal document between two people planning to marry that outlines how you will handle money during your marriage and then divides it in the event of a divorce. Sounds serious, right? But it’s not all doom and gloom. Creating a prenup can be an empowering process that strengthens your relationship from the get-go. It’s there to protect both parties and ensure a fair distribution of assets if things go south, but it can also be the document that helps you structure your marriage from a financial perspective.

A prenuptial agreement is like a financial seatbelt. But let’s be honest—we aren’t wearing a seatbelt because we WANT to or expect to crash. A desire to get a prenup means you’re being strategically cautious.

Alongside the romance and shared dreams explored in a new relationship, the mere mention of a prenup might feel like a romance killer if you are heading toward marriage. But trust me, addressing sensitive money topics head-on can be a game-changer for your marital relationship.

If prenups are so good, why aren’t they more popular?

I’m glad you asked.

  • Taboo – For years, prenuptial agreements were seen as taboo. But times are changing. According to a study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 62% of lawyers cited an increase in prenuptial agreements. However, they still don’t get the credit they deserve.
  • Confidentiality – Some prenuptial agreements include confidentiality clauses that prevent the couple from discussing the terms of the document with others, so there’s not much they can share.
  • Impact on Marriage Rates – While I think it’s rare, some couples decide not to proceed with their marriage after going through the prenuptial process. Younger generations are waiting longer to marry, and there may be some fears that the already declining marriage rate will continue. However, my rebuttal is twofold. (1) If a couple decides not to get married because they don’t feel financially compatible, then that’s not a bad thing (2) What if an increase in prenups could be the thing that helps to continue to lower the divorce rate because couples improve their chance of staying married. Talking about finances openly and honestly with your partner can help you understand each other’s financial habits, goals, and potential red flags. This transparency can build a solid foundation of trust and respect, making your marriage even stronger.

Before you enter a serious relationship, clearly understand your financial goals and boundaries. Knowing what you’re bringing to the table and what you expect from a partner allows you to set the stage for financial equality before the marriage license is signed.

The other reason prenups are not popular is because most people genuinely don’t understand them. Can we bust the myths associated with prenups?

prenup agreement with heart icons


Prenups don’t jinx your marriage.


  • Reality – Statistically speaking, getting a prenup does not tip the scale towards your marriage ending in divorce, so the idea that it jinxes a marriage is based more on feelings than facts. Even though they are seen as a plan for failure, the bottom line is they do just the opposite. In reality, they’re just another form of financial planning with the benefit of potentially keeping you out of court should you divorce.
  • Reality – Pre-nuptial agreements often get a bad rap as unromantic or distrustful. What’s more romantic than showing your partner that you’re thinking about your future together in the most practical way possible?


Prenups are not just about divorce


  • Reality – You can use a prenup as a financial guideline to help manage finances in your marriage. The U.S. has a divorce rate of about 45%, and although it is not the highest divorce rate in the world, it’s still significant. What are some of the top issues that lead to divorce? Money, but of course! So, if you’re aiming for a low conflict marriage or even a low conflict divorce, a prenup is a tool that can help with that goal. You get to make very informed decisions about money and property during the prenup process.
  • Reality—Marriage is not just a romantic union; it’s a significant financial partnership. By understanding the incentives and potential consequences, you’re establishing an informed foundation for your future together. Remember, approaching marriage with both hearts and heads aligned is the best strategy for sustained happiness and financial stability.


Prenups aren’t only for rich people


  • Reality – Prenups are for anyone who wants to ensure that their financial future is secure. It doesn’t matter if you have significant wealth or come from different worlds. A prenup can also address future earnings and assets even if you don’t have substantial assets today.
  • Reality – Some couples with significant assets choose one spouse to remain a stay-at-home parent/spouse, leaving that partner in a vulnerable position without the proper protections. A prenup is a way for the stay-at-home spouse to better secure their financial future during & after marriage. A prenup can protect both partners from unforeseen debts and financial obligations. It can outline who is responsible for which debts, protecting you from your partner’s financial liabilities. However, any disposition that would leave one spouse in poverty and on public assistance is generally not enforceable, so those one-sided prenups you hear about are pretty rare.


Regardless of the number of divorces or marriages you’ve had, a prenuptial agreement can save a lot of heartache and money down the road. It can be the unspoken key to a secure future together.

Speaking of multiple marriages, let’s talk about that as well.


First Marriages vs. Second Marriages


Second marriages often come with more life experience and, consequently, more financial wisdom. However, they also bring complexities like blending families and managing existing financial obligations. In second marriages, it’s even more crucial to protect assets and clarify financial responsibilities. Doing this on the front end will result in less time negotiating, improving your emotional well-being.


Considerations for second marriages:


Blended Finances – How will you manage finances with children from previous relationships? What are the expectations for merging households, and who will be responsible for them? Prenups safeguard individual assets and family inheritances intended to stay separate property.

Estate Planning – Ensure your estate planning reflects your current wishes and protects all loved ones. Ensure that your beneficiary information and any estate documentation are up-to-date, and remove references to your former spouse (as your settlement agreement allows).


What’s the benefit of Financial Transparency in Marriage


Financial transparency is about laying all your cards on the table, from student loans to secret shopping sprees. The goal? To build a foundation of trust and eliminate any “money surprises” that could throw your relationship off-balance. The last thing that a spouse wants is to be surprised by some crazy financial secrets that can turn your great marriage into a bad marriage.

Financial transparency is about laying all your cards on the table, from student loans to secret shopping sprees. The goal? To build a foundation of trust and eliminate any “money surprises” that could throw your relationship off-balance. The last thing that a spouse wants is to be surprised by some crazy financial secrets that can turn your great marriage into a bad marriage.

Financial transparency allows for clarity, protection, and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on building a happy, healthy relationship.

If you want to help make your money conversations less awkward, starting with transparency early in the relationship is essential. Similar to the divorce process, the prenup process requires you to be financially transparent.

The Overlooked Financial Consequences of Divorce

Divorce isn’t just emotionally taxing; it’s financially draining. When you say “I do,” you’re also saying “I do” to your partner’s financial situation—debts, assets, the works. Furthermore, you’re saying I do to your state’s laws on assets and liability splits unless you have a prenup that says otherwise.

Here are some financial land mines to watch out for during a divorce:

  • Division of Assets: Splitting assets isn’t as simple as slicing a cake. You could end up with much less than you think you are entitled to.

  • Alimony and Child Support: These short term/long-term obligations can seriously impact your financial stability. Note: A prenup cannot outline child support obligations.

  • Legal Fees: Divorces are expensive, for most people. The average cost of a divorce in the U.S. ranges from $15,000 to $30,000, according to LegalZoom. Since all states offer no fault divorce, these numbers have very little to do with who’s at fault.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Adjusting to a single income after years of dual-income living can shock the system.

Wouldn’t you rather have conversations about these topics while you’re still in love and have your partner’s best interest at heart versus when it’s been decided that your marriage is over or that you can’t stand being in the room with them?

Time for Action

Marriage and money don’t have to be at odds. By redefining what marriage means when it comes to your finances, you can build a loving and financially stable relationship.

While finances and prenuptial agreements might not be sexy topics, they’re certainly one of the most important. Taking the time to transparently plan and discuss your financial future can make your marriage stronger and more resilient. And if the unexpected happens, having a prenup in place can make life smoother and a divorce less contentious.

Hopefully, I have reinforced that marriage is both a beautiful partnership and a financial contract. And now you better understand how a a great marriage and a good divorce are connected. By understanding the financial implications and preparing for any eventuality, you can ensure that your marriage, or even your divorce, is financially savvy.

Ready to take control of your financial future and break the taboo of money and marriage? Join FIIRM Heros like yourself. Sign up for the FIIRM Hero Newsletter Community to connect with us.

Your future self will thank you.

Nikki Tucker

Nikki Tucker

Founder & Managing Director


Nikki is an experienced financial services professional, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ®, and the primary divorce financial strategist for The FIIRM Approach. She helps female breadwinners prepare for divorce to avoid common financial mistakes and confidently maintain their financial security post-divorce. She uses proven strategies within the FIIRM Approach methodology so her clients can manage their money, debt, and credit and be connected to the right resources for the next phase of life. TAKE ACTION & LEARN about the tools that can help make your pre and post-divorce easier. Grab your FREE Divorce Support Pack.

Financial Empowerment for Women: Navigating Divorce and Marriage with Confidence with Nikki Tucker

Financial Empowerment for Women: Navigating Divorce and Marriage with Confidence with Nikki Tucker

How to plan for divorce

Financial Empowerment for Women: Navigating Divorce and Marriage with Confidence with Nikki Tucker


Modern Arizona Podcast Interview w/ Nikki Tucker

Listen to this Episode on YouTube, or Apple

In this Episode:

In this episode of the Modern Arizona Podcast, host Billie Tarascio sits down with Nikki Tucker, a personal financial coach and certified divorce financial analyst, to discuss the crucial aspects of financial planning for women, especially those facing divorce. Nicki shares her journey from a childhood fascination with finance to a career in financial services, and ultimately to personal financial coaching. Her motivation to help women navigate financial challenges, particularly during and after divorce, is evident as she emphasizes the importance of women being unapologetic about their financial security and taking control of their finances. Nikki and Billie delve into the importance of financial compatibility in marriage, highlighting the need for open and transparent financial conversations. They discuss practical strategies for managing joint and individual finances, such as maintaining both joint and separate bank accounts and having regular “money date nights.” Nikki also stresses the role of a financial coach or neutral third party in facilitating these discussions. They explore financial preparedness in the event of a divorce, underscoring the importance of understanding and mitigating financial risks and encouraging women to be proactive in their financial management. Additionally, evolving perceptions of prenups, particularly among younger generations and older high-income women, as a means to foster clear expectations and informed decisions within marriage.

About Modern Arizona Podcast:

Modern Arizona podcast is brought to you by Arizona Divorce Attorney Billie Tarascio of Modern Law, and Win Without Law School. Their mission is to help all families navigate life and law in Arizona.

About Billie Tarascio:

Billie Tarascio is a divorce attorney and Co-founder of Win Without Law School where you can access affordable and comprehensive resources to take on your family law case, including video guidance, written materials, and attorney coaching.

Useful Links from the Episode:

  • Listen to the Modern Arizona Podcast here.

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Nikki Tucker

Nikki Tucker

Founder & Managing Director of The FIIRM Approach


Nikki is a Blogger, Speaker, and primary financial strategist of The FIIRM Approach. As a mom, 20+year financial services professional, and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ® she is committed to helping female breadwinners strategically prepare their finances for divorce and confidently maintain their financial security pre and post divorce. Nikki uses action-based education in her Bring Home the Bacon workshops and strategy sessions as well as her on-demand digital resource – Silent Preparation Series - so you can prepare your finances for life's major transitions.

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