All women deserve financial security!

Worrying about your financial security sucks (one of our favorite words by the way), and as you prepare for your divorce it’s normal to worry about:

  • how much a divorce is going to cost you,
  • making sure you have access to credit & money in case he wants to be a jerk
  • if you will be able to keep/afford your house or apartment
  • if your kids will be able to stay in the same school/school district 
  • the best way to manage your money with one income vs. two 
  • if it’s ok for you to set up a “secret” account to protect yourself
  • if it’s legal for your spouse to take all the money out of the account before the divorce is even final

“I just want to get this divorce over with”

Believe me, we understand this sentiment but one of our goals is to ensure that you don’t accept unfair settlements because of pressure, manipulation or simply being tired of fighting. 

We understand how frustrating it is to feel powerless because he wants to fight with you over “everything little thing” or “punish you for leaving”.

When it comes to preparing your new financial life for success, The FIIRM Approach is here to help you make informed strategic decisions, even when things feel sucky.

Nikki Tucker

My name is Nikki. I’m a certified divorce financial analyst, founder, and primary personal financial strategist for The FIIRM Approach . I work with women who are preparing for divorce + post divorce & are ready to prepare for their new financial life.

I know sometimes it’s easier to just NOT deal.

However, I created the FIIRM Approach specifically for women ready to deal with:

  • Taking the right steps to keep your divorce costs to a minimum
  • Looking at the numbers to make informed decisions
  • Strategies to save for car repairs, school activities AND girl’s trips
  • A deeper level of financial clarity and achieve financial piece of mind

You are ready to stop worrying about whether you will be able to handle your personal finances on your own and prove to yourself & others that you’ve “got this”.

You’re ready to refuse to allow the decision to “uncouple” to destroy your future and your children’s future.

I know what it’s like to be afraid to make the wrong decisions, especially when it comes to money and your family.

Going through a separation or divorce is hard enough.

When your financial security is threatened, the stress can become overwhelming.

Your financial fears feel very real to you, but what I’ve come to learn is that fears are only about the future.

The great thing about the present is that you have so much opportunity to deal with the future today.

The FIIRM Approach

As your go-to option for helpful financial resources, The FIIRM Approach centers around helping female breadwinners pre & post divorce gain clarity about their financial life through strategic education.

What about the money-making dudes you ask?

Well, women face a few unique statistics.

Longer life expectancies + lower savings levels + higher medical costs + higher taxes = my soft spot for female breadwinners.

On top of that, detaching from a partner lights a fire under your ass to get reacquainted with your money!

I noticed that some of my successful, smart, and all-around impressively independent girlfriends were worried about maintaining or being able to improve their lifestyle post-divorce.

I wanted to be a resource for them, and it eventually expanded to wanting to be a resource for you.

Think of The FIIRM Approach as your guide to helping you select the right mode of transportation to successfully uncouple. Your first destination? Likely, financial security.

I am highly confident that you can make progress towards reaching your financial goals! Until you gather up the same confidence, you can just borrow mine!

I look forward to working together on your financial path of progress

I look forward to working together on your financial path of progress

Along with being a mother and a widow, I have 20+ years of experience in financial services. I have taught numerous financial literacy courses, obtained two business degrees and professional financial certifications, and continued financial education (especially with the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts). As a primary breadwinner myself, I’ve obtained fun insights and eye-opening realizations about personal finance.

*Queue Oprah*

One thing I know for sure – we all want to know the “right” thing to do when it comes to money.

Add in some fear, insecurity, and a pinch of doubt and judgment from ourselves and our family, and we end up with the money project of minimalism.

Maybe you’re thinking: Umm… Nikki, I don’t even have enough money to have an actual money project! 

My response: Pssshhhh, please!

The lack of commas in your bank accounts may mean you need extra TLC.

Everyone should rock in their zone of genius. Money may not be yours.

Use my education, training, and years of hands-on professional and personal experience to help you get your financial affairs in order as you prepare for the next chapter.

As a primary breadwinner, mother, big sister, and daughter – trust me when I tell you that I have TONS of personal experience that you can leverage the crap out of.

Maybe I still feel like a stranger to you. No worries! I want to make a good first impression, so I will give you a gift. Grab my most recent Divorce Support Pack designed to help pre & post-divorce women save money AND time.

Ready to tackle it all now?

I love it!

Want to learn more about me…keep on scrolling my friend

Nikki Tucker

I genuinely enjoy helping & teaching strong, amazing women about managing their money because we are often overlooked.

Sometimes our closest friends and family forget we are human, and assume we have “everything under control.”

Our stress often goes unnoticed during our most challenging times, like a divorce, because our loved ones don’t know how to help (or we don’t know how to ask for it).  

Just because we’re not running down the street naked, or ugly crying in the middle of girls’ night doesn’t mean we don’t need help too.

Believe me, I understand what it’s like to make late credit card payments, get tired of paying overdraft fees, and feeling a little hopeless because you owe a stupid mini-mountain of credit card debt.

*Frustrated fist in the air*
Damn college student offers!

After I started looking at my finances from a comprehensive view, I learned to stop making the same mistakes over and over. I started to save money consistently, and improved my credit score to over 800 — all while balancing the demands of work, family, and never-ending bills. When I looked back to see how far I came, I knew others could benefit from my strategies!

Ultimately, I respect money for the undeniable lessons I learned from (yes, that’s really my cute kid below)…

Student Loans

Student Loans

Becoming a Mom

Becoming a Mom

Getting Married

Getting Married

Buying a House

Buying a House

Each of these life “acts” made me step up my game with my “financial house” but more importantly, it made me sympathize with other strong women going through transitions, especially a divorce.

I’m sure you’ve experienced some of these same “acts” and more. Now you’re working on the stepping up your game part.

I like it when people visit the site to learn, but I LOVE it when people commit to staying in touch to grow.

In real life, we would exchange phone numbers & chat, but it sounds creepy at this point in our new virtual relationship.

How about this?

Grab that free gift I mentioned above. Check out the type of research that we do at The FIIRM to help make your financial life simplier.

No strings attached!  No daily cyberstalking when you finish (unless you’re into that sort of thing 😊)

If you still need to learn a little more about me, all I’ve got left is an Official Bio. I swear I’m not that interesting and you may or may not have stalker-ish tendencies. I’m just saying…

My name is Nikki. I’m a divorce financial strategist. I work with women who are preparing for divorce & are ready to prepare for their new financial life.

I know sometimes it’s easier to just NOT deal.

However, I created the FIIRM Approach specifically for women ready to deal with:

  • Taking the right steps to keep your divorce costs to a minimum
  • Looking at the numbers to determine if you should keep your house or sell
  • Strategies to save for car repairs, school activities AND girl’s trips

Resource Guide

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